Where is Great Chishill? Follow this Link for location details
or this one for the Interactive Map map

Contact Webmaster@greatchishill.org.uk


Get the local weather forcast HERE
If you have an event coming up, or there is something that you want to tell the whole village about, just email me (webmaster@greatchishill.org.uk) with the details and I'll put it on the site.
Pictures make a big difference to a web site, so why not send some in?

Price:Polestarr. Jonathan Crouch's New Novel

Great Chishill’s very own action & adventure novelist Jonathan Crouch, has done it again, producing an action-packed sequel to his debut novel - 'Price: World', which was published last year.
'Price: Polestarr' continues the adventures of Dr Adam Price and his friends as they take on an American business tycoon, hell-bent on using his new, Polestarr satellite project, to secretly take over the World, under the guise of collecting the first real-time global warming data.
More about it here.
'Price: Polestarr' is available to purchase from Amazon in both e-book and paperback versions, and readers are invited to keep up to date with future 'Price:World' novels via the website: www.priceworldnovel.co.uk, where there are also links to the novels' Facebook, YouTube and Instagram pages.

2025 Sloe Gin Competition

Helen Whitehead, organiser of this events writes 'Last Saturday saw the continuation of the Chishill tradition of the ‘oldest Sloe Gin competition in the world’ with a packed schoolroom at the URC. People of all ages came to sample the 42 different homemade tipples and delicious canapés and were able to cast their own votes for a new ‘People’s Choice‘ award.
Many thanks must go to our three stalwart judges who, earlier in the week, had the onerous task of tasting and scoring all 42 while still managing to walk home without mishap. I am surprised every year that the carefully managed, autonomous judging process often produces a familiar list of winners, proving that they are worthy medal winners indeed and this year was no exception. Congratulations to you all for providing an astonishing variety of fruity tipples and ensuring that a splendid time was had by all, with over £300 raised towards the Tower Bell fund.'

and a big thank you to Helen for all the work she put into organising the event.
Ivan Sharpe
Hilary Goodall
Ed Johnson
Stella Russell
Hilary Goodall
Sue Maynard
Ringers' Delight
Lucy Goode
Neil Heywood
Stella Russell
Zero Alcohol
Ivan Sharpe
Iskra Sharpe
Ivan Sharpe
People's Choice
Trudie Adcock

Parish Services

Youth Club runs every 2nd & 4th Tuesday in term time from 6.30-8.00pm in Great Chishill Village Hall.
The club is for all local young people from age 10. New starters warmly welcomed, and any new volunteers!
Contact Emily on 07900 243491

SUNDAY 30th March
10.00am Mothering Sunday service St Nicholas ELMDON
SUNDAY 6th April
9.00am Holy Communion at St Nicholas LITTLE CHISHILL
11.00am Café Church at CHRISHALL VILLAGE HALL
SUNDAY 13th April
9.00am Holy Communion at Holy Trinity HEYDON
11.00am All age service at St Swithuns GREAT CHISHILL

You can now see the
December/January edition of the Icknield Way Parish Village Web magazine here.

Please see here for all church news and information.

Parish Bulletin available here

Bin Collections
Tuesdays unless otherwise marked
25/3/25: Blue Bin and Green Bin
1/4/25:Black Bin
8/4/25: Blue Bin and Green Bin
15/4/25:Black Bin

Not sure what goes in which bin? Click here to see the SCDC quick guide.

Barley Shop Opening Times
Normal opening hours
Mon to Fri 8am to 6.30pm
Sat 8am to 2pm
Sun 9am to 2pm

Tel 849611


Saffron Screen
Saffron Screen is your not-for-profit independent community cinema based within Saffron Walden County High School. The professional auditorium boasts a full size screen, 200 cinema seats, Dolby Digital surround sound and both 35mm and digital projection equipment. Ticket and refreshment prices are kept low to benefit all and parking is free.
Please note that the programme is no longer available on this site.
For full details see website www.saffronscreen.com

For full details see website www.saffronscreen.com

Saffron Hall

Saffron Hall is an exciting venture set up in the grounds of Saffron Walden County High School. The vision is to inspire through music and the arts.
Exceptional adjustable acoustics. Ample FREE parking.

See Whats On for more details

www.saffronhall.com Box office 0845 548 7650
Thriplow Dump

There is now no need to book a slot. .
Gravel Pit Hill, Thriplow, Cambridgeshire SG8 7HZ
Tel: (01223) 839001
Opening hours:
8am to 4pm everyday excluding Bank Holidays, 1st October to 31st March
Christmas Eve - closes at 1pm
Christmas Day - closed
Boxing Day - closed
New Year's Day - closed
Fancy a Walk?
Circular Walks from Great Chishill 13.3Km
or, if you want to go further afield, Hundred Parishes Walks More than 50 FREE walks to download.
New website guide to this area

A new website has been launched - Barleywolds.com - as a guide to the countryside and villages between Royston, Stevenage and Bishop’s Stortford.
The Barleywolds is the name given to this area of chalk “hills” on the borders of Hertfordshire, Essex and Cambridgeshire.
Barleywolds.com is a free, non-commercial guide to the History, Myths, Nature, People, Villages, Towns, Attractions, Restaurants, Cafes, Pubs, Walks and Accommodation in and around the Barleywolds area.
Visit the Barleywolds today @ Barleywolds.com, and find a walk, a pub or a story.

Looking for an Interior Designer?

Check out the Businesses page on this site. Lots of other local goods and services there too.

The Pheasant

Click for bigger image

Forthcoming Events

Pie Night

The Pheasant Every Wednesday 6-9pm


The Pheasant Every Saturday 10.30-11.30am

New Age Kurling

Every Friday, 7.30-9pm



(more about it below)
Hall Farm WEDNESDAY 26th March 8pm onwards. Kindly hosted by Jemma and Michael

Fishy Friday

The Pheasant Friday 28th March 6-9pm Book Now 838535

Peter Wiseman's Slide Show

URCA fascinating look at our village through the decades. In aid of the Gt Chishill Playground Project Friday 28th March 7.15 for 7.30, Bar, Snacks, £10 per person includes a glass of wine. Tickets GCPlayground@outlook.com.


St Swithun's Church Wednesday 9th April 10am to MiddayCome and enjoy some tea, coffee, cake and chat at St Swithun’s Great Chishill.
Children’s corner available. All welcome.  

Quiz Night

The Pheasant Wednesday 9th April 7.30pm Book your team of up to 6 NOW 838535

Band Night ('ALLERGY')

Great Chishill Village Hall In aid of the Gt Chishill Playground Project Saturday 3rd May 7pm-12, Bar, Over 18s only. £18 per person. Tickets GCPlayground@outlook.com.

Barn Dance (Ceilidh)

Great Chishill Village Hall In aid of the St Swithun's Bell Fund Friday 11th July Details to follow, but Save the Date of one of the best events in the year in Great Chishill


For those of you who don't know, this is NOT a fund raising event, it is just a get together of people who live in or around Great Chishill. Just turn up with a bottle of wine (or whatever you would like to drink), it doesn't need to be anything special, and just enjoy the company of others who live nearby. Nibbles supplied by the hosts. Usually, the event takes place monthly (last Wednesday or Friday of the month) and is hosted by someone different each month. If you haven't been before, just come along you don't need to be invited.
More about wine circle can be found HERE
At the present time we do not have any volunteers to host a May venue. Email greatchishill@gmail.com for more info or to offer to host!

Get your event listed here by emailing webmaster@greatchishill.org.uk or phone 838311

Village Newsletter

Click on this picture to view itMarch 2025 Chishills Newsletter now available to view or download
If you have any items to be included in the April newsletter, please contact Will Parsons on wllprsns@gmail.com by 23rd March
If you have trouble downloading or viewing the newsletter it may be because you do not have the latest version of Adobe Reader.
Back numbers of Newsletters here

Village Hall Bookings
Click here to see the diary It is possible to have a look at the Village Hall diary online. Simply click on the picture of the calendar to see it. (the diary will open in its own window).
Please treat this calendar as a guide only as some events may be provisional.
If you would like to make a booking, please email chishillvh@gmail.com

Great Chishill United Reformed Church

There has been a ‘Congregational chapel’ on the site of the present United Reformed Church for over 400 years and we are very much planning for the future.
On a Sunday you are guaranteed a warm welcome, with services held on the first and third Sundays of the month. Whether a morning or evening service the duration will be around 45 minutes with a time of friendship and fellowship afterwards in the schoolroom (usually with splendid refreshments).
The church is part of a Linked Pastorate of 5 churches, Great Chishill, Bassingbourn, Buntingford, Fowlmere and Melbourn. Minister - Sue Fender.
The present pattern of services is for a 6pm evening service on the first Sunday of the month and for a 9.30 morning service on the third Sunday of the month.

Read about more than 300 years of 'Non Conformist' worship in Great Chishill


An Automatic Electronic Defibrillator (AED) has been installed on the wall of the sports pavilion facing the car park.
In the event of a cardiac arrest, upon calling 999 the caller is given the location of the nearest AED and the code to unlock it.
The device gives easy to follow verbal instructions, is safe to use, and will only operate if it is appropriate.
More information about Defibrillators.

Mobile Library Dates
Heydon Road opposite the bus stop, on the first Wednesday of each month 14:10-14.40
5th March
2nd April

Melbourn Library Opening Times
Monday to Friday 2-4pm
Saturday 10am–2pm

The Hundred Parishes Society

The Hundred Parishes Society was launched in 2014 in an attempt to raise awareness of a large area of northwest Essex, northeast Hertfordshire and southern Cambridgeshire that is particularly notable for its exceptional depth of heritage.
The Society is so called to recognise that it contains just over 100 administrative parishes which includes Great and Little Chishill.
The website is www.hundredparishes.org.uk and it has just had a major update, which includes amongst other things an index which gives access to the many interesting articles that the society has produced since it was started.
An article is produced each month with news or information of interest to the area. A recent article is about History of Brewing inthe 100 Parishes. This describes how and why brewing started and what evidence still remains.
Picture above is of the Old Brewery in Radwinter, now a private house.
The former Felsted Brewery
The former Brewery, Hatfield Heath
The website is www.hundredparishes.org.uk and it has recently had a major update, which includes amongst other things an index which gives access to the many interesting articles that the society has produced since it was started.
The index includes links to videos that have been made about the area, some going back to WW1. One of particular interest to us is a documentary about the proposal to make Nuthampstead London's third airport! You can see that here.

Local History

Chris Allan from Barley sent us a copy of an article about Great Chishill published in 'The East Anglian' in October 1966. It contains interesting old photos including The Plough, Rectory Cottage, the Church Tower and the Windmill. See the whole article here.

To find out about the history of our villages read an extract from 'A tale of two villages' by the late Lorna Prior together with the Doomsday Book entry.