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South Cambridgeshire, England
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On 21st April, the 6 bells arrived back from Appleton and the dismantling procedure was reversed. Each bell had a new metal headstock, clapper, wheel, stay and slider. They had been tuned so that they were in tune with each other and the new bell, and adjusted so that they were evenly struck (ie. the time of the clapper hitting the bell is the same which ever direction the bell is swinging in).

On 29th April, all 6 bells were rung as a test ring for the structural engineer, and a few days later again for the bell consultant.
On 3rd June, there was a short service of dedication followed by ringing to celebrate the Platinum Jubilee.
The project was completed exactly on time. Prices had risen considerably due to COVID and Brexit especially the price of steel, such that in the end the project cost just under £105,000 including VAT, which is refundable. Remarkably however, sufficient funds were raised by the fund raising events, donations and grants so that we can go into the future ringing 6 lovely, evenly struck, in tune bells.
This project has only been possible thanks to the generosity of the following people and organisations.
The renovation project generated a new interest in ringing and we now have 6 new ringers at various stages of proficiency, so that we have had to increase the weekly practice from 1 hour to 90 minutes.

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